Fell in the public domain because it was made for the American government and all films made for or by the government of the U.S.A. are in the public domain.
From IMDB: Donald Duck deals with income taxes and their benefit to the American war effort in this inspirational documentary short animated film.
This Donald Duck short showed a predecessor of Scrooge McDuck and Gladstone Gander.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 15, 2024 Subject:
My Fav
Awesome, THE BEST
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 4, 2024 Subject:
enjoyed watching this :)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 21, 2022 Subject:
Anti fascism
We beat fascism then, if need be , we'll do it again. Excellent ww2 propaganda.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 23, 2021 Subject:
I remember there was another episode that made fun of Hitler.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
September 18, 2020 Subject:
Early Uncle Scrooge
Could this be a prototype of Uncle Scrooge? I know the penny pitching Scotsman an old trope, but this could be something that helped inspire Carl Barks
most famous contribution to the Disney mythos.
March 5, 2017 Subject:
public domain?
Is this in public domain or not? I'm confused. Is there not a way to find out?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 23, 2008 Subject:
Public Domain Disney
I'm surprized they haven't sued the government. nice find